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LIFEPRO a Miami based company focused on providing straight forward care for you. Our goal is to meet yours while making life, health, travel and bussines much easier and less worrisome for our clients.

There are no shortcuts to doing things right the first time without having risk. Save your time and money go straight to the point here at LIFEPRO we make sure you are on the right path to staying or being protected for a brighter future.


We aim to make a better future for you

Life insurance is the way to help and protect your loved ones when you are no longer here ti provide or care for them. #LifeProSolutions

Are you worried about your future financial security? Are you confident on having a comfortable retirement? #LifeProSolutions

You want to know how annuities work and the many benefits it can bring? You want to know which annuity meets your needs? #LifeProSolutions

Want to know more about living benefits and what it can do for you? Contact us, and we will help you. #LifeProSolutions


The idea to live comfortably and plan accordingly. One option that can help meet you retirement goals is an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). #LifeProSolutions

We can offer you the best option and guide you through the path of having your healthcare taken care of, anywhere you are. #LifeProSolutions

We will guide you and inform you about the college saving plans and funds that meets yours and your children’s needs. #LifeProSolutions

With travel insurance, you have someone on your side in an emergency. Do not take the risk of having your vacation ruined. #LifeProSolutions

LIFEPRO is a big believer in the BucketList it is never too early or too late to start one. Make life worth living for while having fun doing so.


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Contact us.. We're here to help!
+1 (786) 5432275