You work hard your entire life so that at some point you can have the choice to do what you want. Kick back and relax, devoting yourself to your children, grandchildren or a worthy cause or even starting a whole new career. The idea is to live comfortably and plan accordingly. One option that can help you meet your retirement goals is an Individual Retirement
Account (IRA). An IRA is a stand-alone tax deferred account that enables you to save money for retirement. It can also act as an investment account that gives you a place in which to roll over any employer-sponsored retirement plan assets like from a 401(k) when changing jobs or retiring. Many people open IRAs in addition to any employer-sponsored retirement plans they might have to save for their futures.
There are a number of different IRAs available. You want to know which one suits you better? Contact us, and we will help you.

Andreina Maneiro
- (081) 1149-5421-2315